Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Drinking water supply issue

More than 1.5 billion people around the globe do not have access to safe drinking water, and diseases associated with dirty water kill more than 25,000 people per day, more than 9 million each year around the world, according to the World Health Organization. Presently, only about 10% of the waste water generated is treated; the rest is discharged as it is into our water bodies. This serious problem of water pollution is not only serious for the present day but, it is also getting worst on a regular day to day basis.

Today, 98 percent of U.S. public water supplies that are disinfected are made clean and safe with chlorine or chlorine-based compounds. It is also increasingly used by all municipal corporations such as BMC, DJB, MCD etc to purify the drinking water supply. This ensures that the water we get in our taps is relatively safe for drinking.

Chlorination is the only water disinfection method that protects all the way to the tap, for just pennies a day. Chlorine does much more than kill deadly germs and microorganisms in the nation's water supply.

But with growing awareness there is concern about the harmful effects of certain chemicals. If there is concern about the usage of chlorine then the municipal corporations should ensure that there is no excess chlorine in the water supply given by them.

Thanks to Mr Misra for raising the awareness about the water supply we get from our municipal corporations.

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