Thursday, September 23, 2010


The Oxford Dictionary defines gluttony as 'habitual greed or excess in eating.' It refers to gulping down or swallowing food, drinks or any intoxicants to the point of waste. In some Christian denominations, it is considered to be one of the deadly sins- in terms of withholding it from the needy.

It is commonly known about the growing craze of unhealthy and fast foods, leading to a high increase in the number of obese population in the world. It's a culture of the west, which seems to be catching up fast in India. As a result, the immunity of people is reducing. Obesity leads to diabetes, various heart diseases, some fatal as well. A lot of people are now signing up for weight loss programmes for fear of diseases. A very nice way to spend money; eating expensive, unhealthy food and then joining weight loss programmes to lose it.

An irony to the situation is the number of mal-nourished children in the world. It seems to have added to one of the major reasons for causes of death. In this strata of the society, people are dying because they don't get enough food to eat.

A different perspective at the situation is the increasing trend of 'size zero'. Researcheres have shown that this trend is just as unhealthy as obesity. Models and film-stars, who have started this new style seems to fast catching up with the current young generation.

In the ancient times, where over-eating, being considered a sin, was punished in hell with being force-fed with rats, toads and snakes (sorry for the exaggeration, it looks unbelievable in today's scenario), a world made of fashion and fahion-fads, of luxuries and needs, we fail to attend to one main part of our lives- our health.

As said by Jim Rohn --"Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live."

Take Care :)

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