Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Sloth is defined as spiritual or emotional apathy, neglecting what God has spoken, and being physically and emotionally inactive. It  can also indicate a wasting due to lack of use, concerning a person, place, thing, skill, or intangible ideal that would require maintenance, refinement, or support to continue to exist.

Another word for sloth is procrastination, laziness. The first thing that comes to my mind when I think of laziness is me. The next thing is Common Wealth Games, 2010. It has been all over the news for all the wrong reasons. One of the main criticisms of the Commonwealth Games was that India started preparations three years after the bid, losing precious time. 

It is said that everything in India is done in the last minute, there's no point giving someone seven years, it will always start three years too late, but somehow get done. There have been issues of falling bridges, unhygenic bathrooms, snakes in the rooms et al. I completely believe that India can pull off the Common Wealth Games,2010 but under what circumstances? What consequences?

India seems to be on it's way to creating a world record for procrastination. Highways, flyovers, subways and metros which take years to get built. The Rajiv Gandhi (Bandra-Worli) Sea Link, Mumbai is one such example. It took 10 years of expectations, delays and, of course, hardcore planning and labour. No doubt it is spectacular but at what cost of the tax-payers income?

Indians have come up with another method to delay activities, the Indian Legal System. I could cite so many examples where verdicts have been delayed for very insignificant reasons. The main problem with our legal system is that there are so many laws and by laws, it is not very difficult to twist, turn or somersault it, as a matter-of-fact.

I admit I procrastinate a lot more than many people, but at the end of the day, the best way to get something done is to begin and consistently continue till its complete.

As quoted by Olin Miller, "If you want to make an easy job seem mighty hard, just keep putting off doing it."

Take Care :)

1 comment:

  1. "the best way to get something done is to begin and consistently continue till its complete."
